среда, 8 января 2020 г.


Unfortunately, due to high resolution nature of this mod, not everyone can use it to its full effect. Chocapic13 Shaders Mod for Minecraft 1. One new feature is the spectacle of lens flares now visible in Minecraft! Unlike in vanilla Minecraft, real life has things get wet when it rains. Minecraft was made to be just a simple game, and so the only shading that was really worked on had to do with how far light can reach and at what angles. chocapic13 shaders 1.5.2

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Not only has reflection been chofapic13 into the game, but there is another new factor that you can normally see in real life. Chocapic13 Shaders Mod for Minecraft 1.

You can also see light rays reflecting in water, as well as darker contrasting shadows! This adds a bit of realism to the water and makes it more aesthetically pleasing. Unlike in vanilla Minecraft, real life has things get wet when it rains. The mod actually adds reflection into the water.

Chocapic13 Shaders Mod for Minecraft 1.7.2/1.6.2/1.5.2

It transforms your dull, boring world into a beautiful landscape filled with wonder! Some of the options include the following: Chocapic13 Shaders Mod for Minecraft 1. However, Chocapic13 Shaders mod was designed to add a bit of beauty and realism to the game and has chocapi1c3 this a bit. Unfortunately, due to high resolution nature of this mod, not everyone can use it to its full effect. Through the interface menu that will be added with 15.2 mod, you will be able to select the changes to your world.

This can create rainbows in the sky and other cool light reflection images, making it look like real life rain! A BIG performance improvement, a changed colourtone map, greatly improved shadow filtering and a changed specular model. This not only effects sitting bodies of water, shqders rain as well.

Rudoplays Shaders Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2

Trees will be mirrored in the water, along with every other nearby object. This will last until a period of time has passed chocaipc13 the rain stops. Get in touch with us MinecraftDL.

chocapic13 shaders 1.5.2

Download Chocapic13 Shaders Mod for Minecraft 1. One new feature is the spectacle of lens flares now visible in Minecraft! This can be a nuisance.

With this mod installed, you can incorporate many of the visual effects that you seen in modern games into your Minecraft world. This mod is shadrs fully updated to Minecraft 1. Water Water changes was one of the biggest alterations to the game with this mod. The Chocapic13 Shaders Mod for Minecraft 1.

chocapic13 shaders 1.5.2

You need a graphics card above GT to run it! This is due to the lack of reflection.

Chocapic13 Shaders Mod / (Special Kind of Shader) -

This mod is very well developed, and is frequently updated! What does this means is that you no longer have to settle for the boring textures of vanilla Minecraft! This mod is very professional and allows for great looking textures. Minecraft was made to be just a simple game, and so the only shading that was really worked on had to do with how far light can reach and at what angles.

With this mod, the shading of objects will change to add a damp feel to the world.

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