понедельник, 20 января 2020 г.


They now read as "Unknown Spell". Default is last 24 hours from the time GP is started. Almost nothing went untouched so everything needs to be tested for accuracy. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Go to wherever you installed your GamParse program and open the file GamParse. Maybe some averages on how much of a heal lands and how much is overheal? Things are still in progress and there are bound to be several issues I haven't personally encountered yet. everquest gamparse

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Because of this it is added to every fight currently in progress, the same as spell casts and heals. Help your Cleric Merc Heal Beta: I haven't seen that behavior with any test parse I've looked at.

GamParse Download - Powerful and feature-rich log file parser for EverQuest

Time - Time player spent healing. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. All it will do is gampafse the damage against you for tanking purposes. This is the highest Melee hit from the NPC against that player. If you find a problem, please post about it here and keep this thread on topic.

All thats left is to select the log file for GamParse to read.

everquest gamparse

GamParse should now successfully read your log. Overview Updates 4 History Discussion.

Members Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts. Axxius and Tygart like this.

vamparse Please pay extra attention to the new heal breakdown and let me know if you encounter any problems with accuracy or other issues. Maybe that isn't what's happening, I don't know. View attachment What is parsing? EQ Players An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Resources Latest reviews Search resources. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Loyalty Vender EQ Shouldn't get a popup once an hour anymore, only when it starts up.

Interrupts, Fizzles, Resists, Reflects, and Blocks. There rverquest special tabs that are viewable. Notify me of new posts via email.

everquest gamparse

Luck - Number of ticks of the DoT that were Lucky. Should see no change. This will turn the logs on to allow GamParse to read them. Author Gamanern Creation date Feb 5, If you load a log that has info from those patch days, Or Beta, gamparrse try to load Beta logs at all there may be a problem.

GamParse 2.0.0.x Beta

Overview Updates 4 History Discussion. They now read as "Unknown Spell".

everquest gamparse

Chat Tab -Channel Box is now resizable. Live Evdrquest Tab No changes planned for this update. Members Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts.

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