вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


The Great Typefaces, Jeff Price commented that Bembo became noted for its ability to "provide a text that is extremely consistent in colour ", helping it to "remain one of the most popular book types since its release". Bembo is a serif typeface created by the British branch of the Monotype Corporation in and most commonly used for body text. These were used as a master to stamp matrices , the moulds used to cast metal type. Monotype created Bembo during a period of renewed interest in the printing of the Italian Renaissance , under the influence of Monotype executive and printing historian Stanley Morison. The 'A' has a flat top. Retrieved 5 May Retrieved 20 February

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The main entrance hall features plaques, 24 Portland stone slabs in all, carved with the names of donors to the Gallery from the years to This more delicate "Griffo" revival was used in handprinting and not developed for use outside Mardersteig's company. During the 20th century two typographic historians have achieved notable stature and will be long remembered.

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Monotype's Bembo Book digitisation is one of the few digital releases to include both styles. The surviving records of the progress bbembo some of the classic typefaces dtd that their exemplary final quality was due to a relentless willingness on the part of 'the works' to make and remake the punches over and over again until the result was satisfactory.

One of the main characteristics that distinguished Griffo's work from most of the earlier "Venetian" tradition of roman type by Nicolas Jenson and others is the now-normal horizontal cross-stroke of the "e", a letterform which Manutius popularised.

Retrieved 3 January However, modern printing methods show less ink spread than metal type.

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Significant Historian obituary ". Steve Matteson from Monotype". Retrieved 2 August Monotype had already designed two other types inspired by the same period of Italian printing and calligraphy, the roman Poliphilus and atd Blado both Lawson, Anatomy of a Typeface David R.

Journal of the Printing History Society. The Working Life of Elizabeth Friedlander review ".

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Bembo Titling based directly on Bembo's capitals, but more delicate to suit a larger text srd and the more geometric Felix Titling ininspired by humanist capitals drawn by Felice Feliciano in With a larger x-height taller lower-case letters than the print-oriented Bembo and influences of signpainting Downer's former professionit was intended to be particularly clear for reading at distance, in bemob and in signage.

Retrieved 11 August Monotype Bembo is one of the most famous revivals of the Aldine typeface of Typography for Lawyers archived. The 'A' has a flat top. It followed a previous more faithful revival of Manutius's work, Poliphilus, whose reputation it largely eclipsed. Retrieved 8 December It was created under the influence of Monotype executive and printing historian Stanley Morison by the design team at the Monotype factory in SalfordsSurreysouth of London.

The Monotype classics dominated the typographical landscape in which Matthew Carter [and I] grew up Retrieved 9 December This bemmbo a cleaner result than historic typefaces whose master punches had been hand-carved out of steel at the exact size of the desired letter. The Yale face, developed by Matthew Carter as a corporate font for Yale Universityis based bemno Griffo's work; Yale commissioned a custom font from Carter, a member of the university faculty, after being dissatisfied with digital versions of Bembo.

In the italic, the expansive sttd of Tagliente's type were shortened and the curl to the right replaced with more conventional serifs.

Bembo Std font

benbo Retrieved from " https: A Tally of Types New with additions by several hands ed. The second, Stanley Morison, died at his home in London on October 11, It was a more eccentric revival of the Aldine face than Bembo, it did not attract as much popularity. Photina News Plantin Calvert These were used as a master to stamp matricesthe moulds used to cast metal type.

Morison and his collaborator at Monotype Beatrice Warde were crucial promoters of this conclusion. This version was used to print Manutius' famous illustrated volume Hypnerotomachia Poliphili.

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